Omiza Zu

Omiza Zu

Hello! I am Omiza, I am a Deaf Artist. I create my Artwork using Digital Illustration with the specialty of drawing Anime and Freelance illustrationin my own style. My inspiration to come up with new ideas for fun, create new characters and make them visual has influenced much of my time. Even though I enjoy drawing characters from popular media, “fanart,” I love drawing and evolving my own OC’s most of them,(mainly Xkhwā (Aqua) and her husbands). I use the Paint tool SAI and wacom for arts. I have grown as a Commissioned Artist in the last 18+ years, and would like to take a moment to thank you for your support of my Artwork{s}.

The small commission is still on hold. I'll be back to reopen small-commission! I'm busy with other stuff with my life, but don't worry, I'm still working on commissions.Please check below the small comms price!